Compliance landscape and people trends 2024

5-6pm SGT, 31st January

The financial services industry continues to innovate and evolve dynamically. The pace of regulatory change continues to increase and has commensurately evolved, and regulatory and compliance professionals across the lines of defence continue to be sought after.

What is the nature of marketplace demand, and what are employers looking for in regulatory and compliance professionals in 2024? What are the job skills and competencies required to succeed and thrive, and how have these changed?

compliance and people trends 2024 sg

Join Kimberly Chua and Matt Hall-Turner for an interactive online session in conjunction with the Wealth Management Institute (WMI) and IBFSG – The Institute of Banking & Finance Singapore on 31st January to discuss the compliance and regulatory landscape and people trends for 2024.

Kimberly and Matt will explore what the market for regulatory and compliance professionals will hold for 2024 in the context of 2022 and 2023, including evergreen, new, and arising trends, and what the drivers are for these. They will also address the range of compliance disciplines and possible career paths in both traditional and upcoming areas of compliance risk management, what companies are looking for, the types of skills and qualities sought after, and examples in the marketplace.

Find out more and register for the IBF Masterclass with WMI, Compliance Landscape and People Trends 2024.

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